Ready to Read Series
Ready to Read is the core instructional reading series for students in Years 1–3. There wouldn’t be too much to it as far as content and design goes, right? Wrong. Ready to Read titles are very complex. There’s a lot of pedagogical thinking which directly impacts on the design and this is different for each level.
We’ve both worked on many Ready to Read texts and we were instrumental in the development of internal guidelines for this series. We know the process inside out and know what questions to ask to ensure the design meets the needs for each title.
Liz won a Highly Commended award for Best Educational Design at the 2015 PANZ Book Design Awards for Monster's Luch.
Side note: There's almost nothing cooler than your baby bringing home one of your books, and pointing out – “Look Mum, you made this!”
Skills include: working with editors, subject matter experts, photographers, illustrators, cultural consultants, and pedagogy experts; trialling; quality assurance; prepress.
CLIENT: Ministry of Education