Top free fonts

One of the challenges working in publishing is that the client often doesn't want to pay for fonts. This can be for several reasons. It can be expensive to buy new fonts for every new project. It can also seem a bit unnecessary when they don't have in-house designers that would make full use of the purchase. In schools there is also a demand for creative commons and be able to "mashup" and collaborate. All of these reasons can make it necessary to use freely distributed fonts for our design. Fortunately the quality and choice of fonts is increasing every year. Here is a link from the Awwwards Team on 100 of the greatest free fonts.

Early Childhood Education Survey

Here at Bolster we are passionate about design and education. We are always on the look out to improve both practice and are happy to see the Ministry of Education wanting feedback on their early childhood web presence.

Here is the info they sent us.. and now we are passing it on to you :)

The Ministry of Education is currently redeveloping its web presence. We need as many users of our websites to engage in the survey as possible.  The survey only takes 5 minutes.

I need you to send this email out to any other staff, parents, ECE services, educators, whānau or members of the public who are able to help us by completing the 5 minute survey.

Your help is so crucial!

In the ECE space we currently have:




Help us build this new website by doing this short survey:

What’s this about?

We’re building a new website with all the information you need around education in one place. It will be easier and better than what we currently offer. This web survey is one way you can help us.

How long does it take?

About 5 minutes of answering some questions about how you use the Ministry of Education websites.

What about privacy?

All the results are confidential. We only look at patterns across all participants, not individual people.

If you enter an email address for us to contact you for further research, we won’t use it for anything else – no spam!

Sounds good, how do I get started?

Just follow this link:

I have a question about the survey, or a comment or suggestion for the Ministry of Education web redevelopment team.

No worries, we’ll get you sorted. Please email us at


Merry Xmas to everyone

We are winding down this week ready to take a well deserved break over Xmas (20th Dec – Jan 6th). This morning we did some work for our client at Lift Education working on the latest School Journal (which is pretty much one of our favourite things to do) and then we went to our first Bolster Xmas party! Before people get upset that they weren't invited, you can be assured that you were not left out... no one was invited. It was a party for two.

The stink thing about being a start up is that you can't necessarily afford to take out all your clients and supporters, even though you'd love to (next year hopefully). But the great thing about being a company consisting of two people is you can go somewhere nice and you still have company! This afternoon we went to Hippopotamus for a lovely 3 course lunch and a celebratory bottle of wine. It was great to sit and reflect on the crazy year we have had. Finishing up at Learning Media, setting up Bolster, finding new clients and securing some great work. Two friends living the dream... a dream that is only just starting really. We feel absolutely chuffed that the last two months have gone so well. We would really love to thank all our supporters, contributors and fantastic clients. A big thank you to Lift Education, Young Enterprise Trust, Creative Strategies, Huia NZ, Hutt City Council, Haunt Digital and Quit Group for the work over the past 2 months. You have been amazing to work with and have given us such an amazing chance at setting up our company. We look forward to working with you all in the future.

We hope everyone everyone has an amazing Xmas. Keep safe and CHEERS to 2014.

Big love Jodi and Liz


Party for two.. hope we can at least double our party numbers next year hehe :)

Party for two.. hope we can at least double our party numbers next year hehe :)

First Proofs and signed off job

A couple of weeks ago we had an exciting milestone at Bolster. We received our first proofs to check and our first printed job signed off.

It felt fantastic to be working with a client we would have never got the opportunity to work with before we started Bolster.

So cheers to our wonderful client, and check out their Summer Splash promo at Hutt Pools from December 26th :)

Summer and Festive pools promotion

Summer and Festive pools promotion

Hot off the press

Hot off the press

Be in to win!

Be in to win!

We have some cool mates

One of the great things about being a designer and all round interesting person (hehe) is that you meet a lot of other creative people, and they sometimes become your really great friends.

At Learning Media we were lucky to work with a bloke called Leon Mackie. He is a fab designer and we were pretty sad when he left to seek out fame and fortune in Aussie with his partner Lilly. It all actually turned out pretty good for move for them. Cool design job and a baby called Orson was born.

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We support great things

Bolster is pleased to support an amazing project. 

The Super Power Baby Project is about "creating a new language to describe disability". by showing the world the beauty in these amazing Super Power children. 

Award Winning New Zealand photographer Rachel Callander is going to create a photographic art book of children from all over New Zealand with a range of chromosomal and genetic conditions ("super powers"). The amazing photographs will be accompanied by stories of these children and the super powers they posses.  

Like Rachel (who's daughter Evie had super powers, but is no longer with us) this project is close to our heart. We desperately want to see it succeed.

There is only 5 days left to pledge your support. If the full $70,000 isn't raised you don't donate. If it is raised an amazing photographic and design masterpiece will be born.

Please donate. It feels wonderful