Early Childhood Education Survey

Here at Bolster we are passionate about design and education. We are always on the look out to improve both practice and are happy to see the Ministry of Education wanting feedback on their early childhood web presence.

Here is the info they sent us.. and now we are passing it on to you :)

The Ministry of Education is currently redeveloping its web presence. We need as many users of our websites to engage in the survey as possible.  The survey only takes 5 minutes.

I need you to send this email out to any other staff, parents, ECE services, educators, whānau or members of the public who are able to help us by completing the 5 minute survey.

Your help is so crucial!

In the ECE space we currently have:

- minedu.govt.nz

- lead.ece.govt.nz

- education.govt.nz.

Help us build this new website by doing this short survey:


What’s this about?

We’re building a new website with all the information you need around education in one place. It will be easier and better than what we currently offer. This web survey is one way you can help us.

How long does it take?

About 5 minutes of answering some questions about how you use the Ministry of Education websites.

What about privacy?

All the results are confidential. We only look at patterns across all participants, not individual people.

If you enter an email address for us to contact you for further research, we won’t use it for anything else – no spam!

Sounds good, how do I get started?

Just follow this link:


I have a question about the survey, or a comment or suggestion for the Ministry of Education web redevelopment team.

No worries, we’ll get you sorted. Please email us at web.channel@minedu.govt.nz